When Fundamenta asked us to develop their new website, the process of redesign consisted of the following steps:
- Precise needs assessment which included all line of business
- SEO analysis of the current site
- Research
- UX/UI planning
- Design
Every decision was made in close cooperation with our client and on the basis of online analytical data and the behavior of their website’s users.
The SEO analysis included onsite and offsite audit and keyword research.
With respect to research, we made qualitative funnel analysis and information architecture tests, and we pre-tested the completed wireframe with heat mapping before starting to create the design.
On this basis, we could create the Personas the website was built for and could plan their user journey which is the presumed path they will choose on the site in order to aim their goal and find what they were looking for on the new fundamenta.hu.
During the design process, we placed strong emphasis on creating a website that is simple and easy to use and based on their already existing image and guidelines.
We didn’t let go of the website after launching it, follow up and fine tuning are just as important to us as primary development.
Available: www.fundamenta.hu