VetaTek reached out to us with a very exciting development opportunity. As their clients frequently have been requesting added features to business intelligence solutions and Vetatek did not find a product that could fulfill those all of those needs, they decided to build a solution themselves. We have been supporting their efforts.

Most business intelligence applications are focusing on visualization of data, not on data structure itself. Without a good data structure, the functionality of these solutions become less than satisfactory.

Collaborating with VetaTek, we changed this common approach fundamentally and we have been aiding Vetatek in developing MetaBase. This revolutionary new business intelligence solution is focusing on flexibility of the product. This new platform allows its users to create unique lists collecting data that they are interested in analyzing.

With Meta Base, users can create any application with ease, for example:

  • CRM
  • Production „tracking” system
  • Probe-shopping support system

The biggest advantage of Metabase is not its price to value ratio or the shorter development time. The most important differentiator is that there are almost no limits on the sophistication of the systems that can be created using MetaBase. With a few lines of JavaScript coding, users can produce new components not yet existing in the original framework and utilize Metabase to build a solution to their own unique needs.


+36 (20) 396 3752

1138 Budapest, Madarász Viktor utca 47-49. 1. épület 2. emelet

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